Interstate 5/Hasley Canyon Interchange Project

2010 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Los Angeles County, Calif., CA

About the Program

Category: Transportation (Best in Category)

Year: 2010

In joint collaboration, cooperation and consultation with the Federal Highway Administration, the State of California Department of Transportation and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority (Metro), the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works developed and implemented the Interstate 5/Hasley Canyon interchange improvement project that will greatly increase the capacity of the interchange and local roadways to improve mobility, operation, safety, air quality and circulation. The project will alleviate congestion and delay and accommodate planned growth while minimizing impacts on surrounding properties. The project involved construction of a replacement bridge, modern roundabouts at the Interstate 5 ramps, new freeway ramps and a seismic retrofit of the Interstate 5 Bridge over Castaic Creek. The project construction was approximately $41 million, which was funded with a combination of County Bridge and Major Thoroughfare fees, developer contributions and a Metro grant. The above-mentioned government agencies collaborated further to maximize the benefits of this project by utilizing the region’s Federal Surface Transportation funds for the construction, and in exchange the county provided Metro with an equal amount of local funds to disperse to cities within Los Angeles County that have difficulty in processing federally funded transportation projects.