Instituting an Innovative Local Risk Assessment Program

2018 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Loudoun County, Va., VA

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About the Program

Category: Risk and Emergency Management (Best in Category)

Year: 2018

In 2014, the Loudoun County, Virginia Office of Emergency Management (OEM) searched for a mechanism to assess the County’s capabilities across all hazards. After exhaustive research, the federal Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) tool was selected. Since the guidance was inadequate for local application it was necessary to develop an approach and process that would achieve Loudoun’s goal. The unprecedented methodology crafted included building plausible scenarios, conducting stakeholder interviews, and associating gaps with desired outcomes. In addition, OEM produced a THIRA Results Document. Unique to Loudoun, this document described the outcomes (plans, policies, procedures, and resources) and assigned responsibility for completion. Because many of the agencies lacked expertise in the planning process, OEM provided an enhanced level of support by developing a customized Planning Toolkit. The Toolkit guided the user through their assigned initiative from kick-off meeting to final endorsement. OEM also developed a custom-tailored process used to track progress for each assignment. Following OEM’s success, a number of localities solicited information regarding Loudoun’s methodology and implementation. In response to these requests, OEM authored a THIRA Guide for Localities. This Guide was designed to explain Loudoun’s methodology, illustrate best practices, and catalog lessons learned. Interest from other jurisdictions and increased stakeholder participation during the most recent THIRA are indicators that others recognize the value of this process. However, the resulting outcomes are evidence that Loudoun’s unique and innovative program continues to be one of the most comprehensive assessments available to localities.

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