How To Building Permit Guides
2011 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Clark County, Nev., NV
Best In Category
About the Program
Category: Civic Education and Public Information (Best in Category)
Year: 2011
Beginning in 2006, Clark County Development Services set out to document the process for obtaining permits to construct in a series of how-to guides covering most permit types obtainable through the department. Clark County, Nevada is home to the famous Las Vegas Strip. The type of construction that can be found in the County ranged from high-rise resort hotels, to casinos shaped like pyramids, to single story homes. The process for obtaining residential and commercial permits often involves multiple sets of documents and approval from multiple agencies within Clark County. These how-to guides provide a written reference that is easy to follow and is logically organized to help make the permitting process easier. In total, 58 guides were drafted. Guides for the most common permit types can be picked up for free at the Departmentâs Permit Application Center, and all of the guides may be downloaded free-of-charge from the departmentâs website.