Hotspots and Chromebook Kits Program

2021 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Washington County, Minn., MN

About the Program

Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)

Year: 2021

Washington County Library provides a critical bridge across the digital divide. According to the 2018 American Community Survey, more than 9,000 households in Washington County do not have a computer with a broadband Internet subscription (about 10 percent of Washington County households, according to Census data). As a result, many county residents rely on libraries for their internet connection. During the COVID-19 pandemic, accessing the internet through the library was not possible. A state-mandated shutdown made it more apparent than ever that residents needed access to the internet outside the library, and that the county had the capability to meet that need. Washington County Library’s hotspot and Chromebook program increased internet access through the distribution of devices, patron-first policies, and empowering instructions. As a result of this program, more than 900 people have had reliable access to the internet at home at no cost to them. This program will continue beyond the COVID-19 pandemic and meets a crucial need.