Historic Healdsburg Water Carnival

2012 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Sonoma County, Calif., CA

About the Program

Category: Parks and Recreation (Best in Category)

Year: 2012

In the summer of 2011, the Sonoma County Regional Parks Department engaged and organized the community to resurrect a historic water carnival on the Russian River and save a beloved swimming beach from possible closure due to budget cuts. The Regional Parks department mobilized, and in less than six months was able to recreate a historic event that raised enough money to continue to raise the summer dam and provide the community its local swimming hole. This projects success is attributed to new partnerships forged with the City of Healdsburg, local businesses, non profits, civic leaders, historians and volunteers. The 2011 Healdsburg Water Carnival united the community through an innovative initiative striving to preserve a valued recreational resource while resurrecting a unique historical event. These numerous initiatives culminated with a resurrection of the water pageants held at this location from the late 1880’s through the early 1930’s, complete with wine-barrel races, a remake of their iconic swan float made from recycled materials and other events that connected people to the local history. Visits increased to almost double the 10 year average. The event resulted in net revenues of $22,000 from the Water Carnival, $34,750 in sponsorships raised by the Regional Parks Foundation, and $8,000 in parking and vendor fees.