H2O Summit
2014 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Montgomery County, Md., MD
Best In Category
About the Program
Category: County Resiliency (Best in Category)
Year: 2014
The first Community Clean Water Summit (the Summit) was established in 2011 to increase awareness of agency and community efforts in reducing stormwater pollution, introduce watershed groups to the general public in an effort to increase their role and capacity in water quality protection and in part to meet public outreach requirements in the Montgomery County Maryland (the County) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. To address these requirements, a Public Outreach and Stewardship Workplan (POSWP) was developed in 2010. Assistance from community leaders and volunteers to engage residents and businesses in protecting water quality is essential for the POSWP to be successful. At that time, there were seven watershed groups in the County who could assist in these efforts. The event has evolved since 2011, now with a consistent program budget, a planning committee of multiple partnering agencies, and in 2013, the addition of a hands-on festival. By 2014, attendance has increased three-fold. The annual event has played a significant role in the expanded capacity for three (3) watershed groups and the creation of two others. Agency partnerships, cost savings in outreach material production, involving more diverse audiences, and increasing volunteerism from the community have also resulted.