Get a Permit With a Few Clicks: Self-Help Tools Lower Permitting Costs

2012 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Pierce County, Wash., WA

About the Program

Category: Planning (Best in Category)

Year: 2012

The Pierce County WA Planning and Land Services (PALS) department has experienced major staff cuts due to the recession. The remaining staff found that much of their time was spent answering routine questions instead of reviewing permits, which made it difficult to provide timely customer service. A longer permit process threatened job growth in a county with 9.3% unemployment. County government needed an improved way to meet customer demand and lower overall planning costs. A project team looked at popular e-commerce systems and created robust self-help tools for the PALS website. Customers could now get answers to routine questions, research public permit documents, and start the permitting process with just a few clicks. These innovations have improved the cost effectiveness of an important existing county function, while also increasing transparency and citizen understanding of the permit process. The Permitting process has been streamlined because citizens are better prepared with information beforehand. Additionally, self-help services have reduced the number of citizen visits and phone calls to county offices by 20%. This project has allowed Pierce County to achieve efficiency and economy, while also saving citizens time and expense.