Fostering Academic Success in Education

2022 NACo Achievement Award Winner

San Diego County, Calif., CA

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About the Program

Category: Children and Youth

Year: 2022

Fostering Academic Success in Education (FASE) was implemented to support improved educational outcomes for foster youth in San Diego County. The County of San Diego’s Child Welfare Services (CWS), San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) and Sweetwater Union High School District partnered to build an infrastructure that supports collaborative, coordinated wraparound support services for youth in the child welfare system, enabling the youth to achieve educational success in middle school, high school, post-secondary education, and beyond. FASE shifts to a proactive engagement of partnering agencies and schools to support youth in their communities, by dedicating staff to solely focusing on educational success for foster youth. Typically, foster youth will have one assigned social worker to focus on all case management needs. FASE allows one additional social worker to focus solely on the educational components to ensure educational success. Some of the supports included but not limited to: Comprehensive educational case management,Tailored tutoring referrals, Assisting youth and caregivers with technology during distance learning, Supporting and advocating for youths’ educational needs, and Hosting monthly meetings with partner agencies to create educational roadmaps with personalized objectives for each student’s unique needs and goals.

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