Forest Health Initiative: Promoting Forest Sustainability Through Public Outreach

2009 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Boulder County, Colo., CO

About the Program

Category: Civic Education and Public Information (Best in Category)

Year: 2009

The Forest Health Initiative is a collaboration that Boulder County launched with neighboring local governments and private landowners to promote a healthy, sustainable forest ecosystem. Boulder County is facing a bark beetle epidemic with major environmental, ecological, economic, and public safety implications. Launched in response to this epidemic and the ongoing need to manage local forest ecosystems, the Forest Health Initiative encourages coordinated efforts that promote best management practices on forested lands while helping to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. The initiative involves substantial multiagency collaboration with local, state, and federal agencies. It includes a jointly-established, two-county Forestry Processing and Sort Yard to allow residents to drop off trees and branches generated from their forest management projects. Because forest health depends upon the involvement of private landowners, the initiative includes a thorough public education and outreach effort, including creation of a Forestry Education and Outreach position, a Forest Health website, and an email list-serve to distribute information. Finally, the initiative included a grant-funded study to determine the feasibility of biomass heating (clean wood-burning technology) for five private entities. The study will help build a foundation for economically viable, sustainable energy options in partnership with the private sector.

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