Field Asset Management & Operations System

2014 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Boone County, Mo., MO

About the Program

Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)

Year: 2014

Boone County Missouri believes that open communication leads to excellence because it is an important, vital step in making any new process work efficiently. The open communication between the citizens we serve and the Public Works, Resource Management and GIS Departments has improved the level of certainty and validity of current data in the field, and new data collected. This united effort of collaboration has also introduced new, dynamic ways to illustrate daily operations by incorporating additional technologies such as Mobile GIS, ArcGIS Online, web-based reporting, and social media sites such as Facebook. Boone County’s Field Asset Management & Operations System (FAMOS) program is a collaboration between Public Works, Resource Management and the GIS department to use the most up-to-date technology available to facilitate its asset management and work management programs. By using expertise from each department and sharing data within one system, Boone County’s FAMOS program provides decision makers a comprehensive amount of data on the county assets to make informed management decisions. Public works uses FAMOS to map, communicate and track information related to all maintenance activities, while Resource Management takes advantage of FAMOS to keep track of all information relating to its assets in order to make project planning decisions. The GIS department is the group that facilitates all of this work by developing the technology and applications to collect and store this information. The FAMOS program was established out of the need to keep accurate information on all of the parts of Boone County’s infrastructure system to provide its residents the safest and most reliable transportation network possible using the resources available. In order to accomplish this goal, sound analytical project and work plan decisions need to be made using the most up-to-date, complete, and accurate asset data available. FAMOS not only allowed Boone County to accomplish this goal, but it also reduced time and effort across all aspects of management within Public Works and Resource Management allowing an increase in department performance and an improved and better managed infrastructure system.