Fatherhood Leadership in the Community
2012 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Fairfield County, Ohio, OH
Best In Category
About the Program
Category: Human Services (Best in Category)
Year: 2012
In Ohio, Fairfield Countyâs Fatherhood Leadership in the Community program fills gaps in the availability of services by weaving fatherhood initiatives into existing services and by connecting all sectors at the grass roots level. A core group consisting of a County Commissioner, Domestic Relations Court Magistrate, Faith-based Leader, and Job and Family Services Administrators organized a fatherhood leadership summit to bring together more than 40 community partners, share information, scan the community for needs, and develop an annual action plan for fatherhood services. Through ongoing collaboration, leaders in the business, education, civic, law enforcement, non-profit, and government sectors created an integrated process to support men in fulfilling their financial and psychological responsibilities of fatherhood. The countyâs action plan came with no additional costs and specifically addressed issues related to father absence. A county assets map, indicating programs for fathers and male-specific services, was created by the County Geographic Information Systems Department. By involving multiple sectors, the county conducted more than 20 father-focused activities, from a baseline of zero, and provided direct services to more than 868 newly referred fathers and teens. By integrating the services into established programs, services, and events, a cost-effective way to support responsible fatherhood has become a community effort.