Facility Use Agreement SharePoint Application
2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner
San Bernardino County, Calif., CA
Best In Category

About the Program
Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)
Year: 2023
The Registrar of Voters (ROV) began utilizing facility use agreements (FUAs), or agreements with the sites that provided locations for polling places in the September 2021 Recall Election. The FUA SharePoint Application was created in December 2021 after determining an application to track the versions and workflow of hundreds of these agreements was necessary. The FUAs originate from either the County or the site itself, where the latter, in some cases, issues its own agreements. Each FUA must travel through the review and approval process with various staff members in ROV, and County departments. An FUA record is established for each FUA, which includes attachments, notes, and tasks pertinent to that specific polling place. A way to manage hundreds of FUAs at different phases of workflow was necessary to manage the owners of the FUAs and the various review and approval milestones until the FUA was fully executed. The FUA Application provided the ROV team with this solution to manage FUA versions and workflow, allowing the team to reach critical deadlines and secure sites for the election.