Extension and 4-H Service

2009 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Clackamas County, Ore., OR

About the Program

Category: Civic Education and Public Information (Best in Category)

Year: 2009

In 2008, voters in Clackamas County said “YES” to the formation of an Extension and 4-H Service District providing permanent property tax base funding for this community education and outreach program of Oregon State University. The new revenue source replaces the county’s general fund support for Extension—a non-mandated program that brings the university to local communities by providing informal education and applied research to help address needs of families, youth, homeowners, farmers, and forest owners. The vote culminated a two-year effort by citizens throughout the county to secure a stable source of local funding and guarantee that university Extension programs will continue to be available for future generations. The successful result for the Extension and 4-H Service District was the product of an aggressive community outreach effort mounted by county government, Extension Service staff, and nearly 500 citizens. The county and staff focused on non-advocacy education and awareness activities to make sure voters knew about Extension Services in the community and why the District formation proposal was being brought forward at this time. Citizen supporters concentrated their efforts on advocacy outreach including campaign fundraising, lawn signs, letters-to-the editor, voters pamphlet assessments, and public speaking presentations.

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