Every Teen Ready to Lead: Developing a Teen Leadership Corp
2015 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Wake County, N.C., NC
Best In Category
Contact Awards@NACo.org
About the Program
Category: Libraries (Best in Category)
Year: 2015
Wake County Public Libraries (WCPL) transformed the volunteer program for youth in grades 6-10 to more clearly define, elevate, and expand the experience. Consistency in quality of experiences was standardized and opportunities for participation increased to all libraries within the system. In FY13, WCPL offered 41 volunteer program opportunities with participation of 447. In FY14 the Library offered more than 200 volunteer program opportunities with participation of 6,566. Opportunities increased by 5 times as many and over 14 times more youth benefited from the program. Volunteer opportunities for teens were previously available at WCPL, but the commitment to the program was unbalanced; the target audience was not clearly defined and decisions about when or how to provide opportunities were often tied to staff interest. Teens were coming into the library daily asking about volunteer opportunities, and library administrators recognized the need for developing a consistent program. In September 2013 WCPL rolled out the Teen Leadership Corps, a leadership, learning and service program offering teens the opportunity to develop leadership skills, explore and encourage a variety of interests and talents, while contributing to the community and cultivating friendships with teens with similar interests.