eSAR7 Online Application
2019 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Alameda County, Calif., CA
Best In Category

About the Program
Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)
Year: 2019
California has adopted the Semi-Annual Reporting (SAR) system using the?SAR 7 form.?This major change means beneficiaries must report every six months on their eligibility to receive benefits through Californiaâs CalFresh and CalWORKs programs, and Alameda Countyâs General Assistance program. The Semi-Annual Report (SAR 7) that must be submitted every six months documents the beneficiaryâs income, property, and any changes to their household. The SAR 7 is due on the 5th of the month. Benefits are discontinued if a complete report is not received by the first business day of the following month.? Alameda Countyâs new system automates the submission process, allowing CalFresh, CalWORKs, and General Assistance recipients to submit their SAR7 online ( This provides benefit recipients more flexibility to submit their SAR7 from anywhere, at any time and using any smart device, and frees up significant staff time by eliminating the need to scan and index paper forms. It provides a huge benefit to customers by simplifying the process of filing these reports in a timely manner. Once completed, the Countyâs new automated eSAR7 form is transferred directly into the State and County document management systems. Once the document(s) are submitted online, benefits are continued or restored.