Electronic Signatures Management

2009 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Miami-Dade County, Fla., FL

About the Program

Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)

Year: 2009

The Electronic Signatures Management Program is an innovative service that allows users to electronically store their signature in a secure environment and insert their signature into selected documents, allowing them to perform their governmental functions. It is a unique administrative tool created by the Department of Planning and Zoning and offers a new service to users within the department and board members on the following committees: Developmental Impact Committee, Plat Committee, and Development of Regional Impact Committee. This system allows users to review and approve documents, affirm votes, and generate documents that include their signature. It improves administration of records, assists with effective decision-making, upgrades working conditions of authorized users, and promotes intergovernmental cooperation. It is an effective program that reduces time and expense of review and eliminates signing of hard copy documents that, at times, were misplaced causing regeneration of the process for multiple signature requirements to be started again. Electronic Signature Management Program improves communication because it provides access to meeting summaries, related documents, and real time status of the processes. It preserves zoning history activity and promotes intergovernmental cooperation and coordination of procedures through the insertion of electronic signature reviewing related documents. Additionally, it allows for control of the workflow, and close monitoring of the process.