Drive Thru POD- An Alternative Method of Dispensing

2009 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Suffolk County, N.Y., NY

About the Program

Category: Health (Best in Category)

Year: 2009

The exercise goals and objectives were to provide mass prophylaxis of seasonal influenza vaccine, utilizing a drive-thru dispensing model, to Suffolk County First Responders, employees, and families. The objectives included utilizing the Bioterrorism Point of Dispensing plan, employing Incident Command System format in operations and planning, activating and integrating volunteers and staff in Point of Dispensing (POD) operations, utilizing state-provided flu vaccine, evaluating the drive through POD as a method for distributing mass prophylaxis, while simultaneously satisfying Cities Readiness Initiatives and New York State Department of Health deliverables, particularly the use of Clinical Data Management System registration form.

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