Domestic Violence Database

2013 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Suffolk County, N.Y., NY

About the Program

Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)

Year: 2013

This nomination is submitted to acknowledge a collaboration effort which established a County wide central database of domestic violence incidents and services which allow data sharing among Suffolk County public and private agencies in an effort to create a more comprehensive understanding of domestic violence and assist with developing strategies to reduce the occurrence of domestic violence across Suffolk County. This Project was led by the Suffolk County Executive’s Office of Women’s Services/Community Services and the County’s Division of Information Technology along with a number of criminal justice and victims service agencies all working together to develop and implement this project. These agencies included the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, Police Department, Office of the Sheriff, District Attorney, Probation and the Domestic Violence and Victims Service agencies: Brighter Tomorrows; Parents for Megan’s Law Crime Victim’s Center; The Retreat Inc.; SEPA Mujer; Suffolk County Coalition against Domestic Violence; and the Victims Information Bureau. All of the stakeholders met regularly to create a unique database which is used to share information on incidents of domestic violence and to provide a more comprehensive understanding of domestic violence in Suffolk County.