Digging Durham Seed Library

2015 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Durham County, N.C., NC

About the Program

Category: Libraries (Best in Category)

Year: 2015

In April 2014, Durham County Library launched the Digging Durham Seed Library at the Main Library and two regional libraries. Library patrons are now able to “check out” seeds and then “return” harvested seeds once the growing season is complete. The Seed Library offers a variety of fruits, vegetables and flowers. In February 2014, the library began collecting seeds from local gardeners, farms, community organizations and businesses. We held workshops for the public in early April to explain the process of seed saving for residents interested in donating seeds but unsure of how to do so. In a nod to nostalgia, the seed packets are stored in old-fashioned card catalogs. Checkout is limited to four packets per patron, and additional information is available at each location with growing instructions for the seeds. No library card is required for patrons to “borrow” the seeds, which is done on the honor system. Seeds are available in the spring and fall, and every library location accepts seed donations in order to help replenish the supply. By providing seeds and encouraging seed saving, Digging Durham Seed Library helps to develop seed stock that is well suited to our climate and boosts local biodiversity. It also helps citizens save money. The program has brought new patrons to the library, especially the hard to reach 20-30 year olds. The seed library also supports and promotes local interest in environmental sustainability efforts and sustainable food sources. The library partners with S.E.E.D.S, a local nonprofit; Master Gardeners; and the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association. The program is funded by a grant from Durham Library Foundation. To date, residents have “checked out” more than 4000 seed packets, and seed donations come in regularly. Residents can learn more about the program or share their stories about growing our seeds at diggingdurham.org.

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