Diaper Distribution Program
2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner
San Bernardino County, Calif., CA
Best In Category

About the Program
Category: Community and Economic Development (Best in Category)
Year: 2023
Inflation has negatively impacted families with young children across the country, as evidenced by the cost of diapers increasing more than 22% since 2018. Low-income families, who are often trying to stretch every dollar, are significantly impacted. To address the impact of high inflation costs on low-income families in the county of San Bernardino, the Preschool Services Department (PSD) of San Bernardino County started a Diaper Distribution Program in partnership with the Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino (CAPSBC) in October of 2022. The CAPSBC donates diapers to PSD monthly, which are then directly delivered to over 4,000 families that participate in PSDâs early childhood education programs. (the Home Visiting Program, Early Head Start Home-Based Program, and Head Start/Early Head Start center-based programs) In the six months the program has been operating, 308,525 diapers have been distributed, resulting in net savings to families of approximately $600 annually. Savings that have resulted in socioeconomic stability for families by providing a basic necessity at no cost. This successful partnership has created a vital community support by raising awareness of the diaper needs in San Bernardino County while also helping to address those needs.