CTE Career Rodeo

2021 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Henrico County, Va., VA

About the Program

Category: Children and Youth (Best in Category)

Year: 2021

Henrico County Public Schools endeavors to prepare students to be successful, contributing citizens. With that commitment in mind, the school division’s Department of Workforce and Career Development designed a program where employers could observe our Career and Technical Education (CTE) students from the Advanced Career Education (ACE) Centers in action. The CTE Career Rodeo was born in February 2020, and helped students showcase their skills for potential employers and other stakeholders. Students solved work-based challenges and demonstrated their hands-on skill sets. Employers were able to watch students and chat with them. Students had assigned numbers displayed on their backs like rodeo participants. Employers could pick up student resumes or interview the student at the event. We also invited ninth- and 10th-graders interested in CTE courses to observe. All of the Virginia Department of Education’s 17 career clusters were represented at the event, as well as all 30 of our ACE Center programs. The CTE Career Rodeo enabled students and employers to interact and interview. The event showcased students’ soft skills and hands-on skill sets, potentially leading to full-time employment. Through events like this, with work-based learning experiences and building of essential soft skills, our students can learn to be life-ready.

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