Countywide Prevention Metrics

2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Los Angeles County, Calif., CA

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About the Program

Category: Children and Youth

Year: 2023

Countywide Prevention Metrics (CPM) track the County’s progress in achieving the goal of the Countywide Prevention Plan for every child to be healthy, growing and thriving in a strong family, and to be supported by a safe and nurturing community. Development and publication of metrics are indicators that track the progress of the Prevention Plan. It is necessary to inform effective implementation, expansion of prevention efforts and effective use of resources moving forward. 

Dashboards displaying these indicators are published on the County's Open Data Portal( so that the progress and impact of the Countywide Prevention Plan related efforts are transparent to departmental employees, stakeholders and the public. This is in line with the vision that everyone "owns" prevention and shares responsibility in achieving it. CPM has created better intergovernmental cooperation and brought together County departments across sectors that do not necessarily interact for a common purpose. It has increased data literacy among County departments as stakeholders collaborate to develop shared metrics and discover data gaps. CPM has already illuminated existing issues and disparities where the County should focus its attention. CPM’s public and collaborative nature also promotes governmental accountability and improves civic engagement.  

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