The County Channel: Transparancy in Government and Community Identity

2011 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Beaufort County, S.C., SC

About the Program

Category: Civic Education and Public Information (Best in Category)

Year: 2011

The county channel is a government broadcasting network created by Beaufort County Council and Administration for the purpose of connecting citizens with their County government. The signal is carried on al local cable systems within Beaufort County and streamed inline at the Beaufort County website. The network broadcasts all regular meetings of County Council, including their committee meetings and meetings of various boards and commissions, regular meetings of the Beaufort county Board of Education and special public activities sponsored by non-profit groups, schools, the school district or the University of Southern Carolina at Beaufort (USCB). It produces and airs documentaries and informational pieces regarding County projects or services and educational programs on the local environment. It broadcasts County sponsored athletic events such as youth basketball and football, selected USCB sports and high school football games, high school vocal performances, and other special community events. What makes the network unique is its interactive ability. During live broadcasts f County Council, the network allows two-way communications between council and citizens in remote locations, allowing them to participate in public comment periods and public hearings.

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