Comprehensive Broadband Plan

2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner

San Diego County, Calif., CA

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About the Program

Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)

Year: 2023

As an initial step to improve internet access, reliability, and affordability in the unincorporated areas of the region, the County of San Diego, with the help of a consultant, conducted an extensive study, to identify areas lacking reliable, affordable internet service. The plan outlines strategies for the County and its partners to address those needs in the unincorporated areas of the region. While all communities can benefit from further investment in broadband, data/geospatial analysis, and stakeholder engagement, community input has shown that some areas have more urgent needs than others. These areas could benefit from focused initiatives by the County and its partners. The plan organizes connectivity gaps based on low access and low adoption rates, including infrastructure, and ranks recommended prioritization by census tract. The plan can serve as a foundational resource as the County and its partners continue efforts to close the digital divide. Lack of broadband connectivity impacts many San Diego communities throughout the region and while the County’s efforts are focused in the unincorporated areas, its partnerships can help close those connectivity gaps regionwide.