Code Enforcement Case Management System

2016 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Montgomery County, Md., MD

About the Program

Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)

Year: 2016

DHCA’s Code Enforcement Section conducts inspections of single-family, multifamily, and condominium rental units to ensure safe and sanitary conditions. In Fiscal Year 2015, DHCA’s 22 Code Inspectors performed 24,254 inspections, managed 7,633 cases, recorded 17,394 violations, and issued 1,439 citations. To achieve this level of effort, the Code Enforcement Section relies on a redesigned Case Management System that both improved internal efficiency, enhanced security, and provided management with quality actionable information. The development of this new information system was part of a wider IT initiative meant to modernize all core departmental applications, build an efficient and scalable information infrastructure, and document comprehensive software development practices and guidelines. The project successfully delivered within a fairly short period of time a user-friendly system that efficiently supports the major activities of the Code Enforcement Section both in the office and in the field. It leverages the most current web technologies and development practices, exhibits a high degree of maintainability, and will grow in terms of functionality as the Code Enforcement Section increases and improves the services it delivers to Montgomery County’s constituents and responds to new legislative requirements