Cloud Based Management of Electronic Invoices
2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner
San Bernardino County, Calif., CA
Best In Category

About the Program
Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)
Year: 2023
The Workforce Development Department (WDD) receives invoices from contractors. The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity (WIOA) program operates on a cost reimbursement basis. This has required invoice packages be submitted in hard copy form with cost supporting documents. The service providers have many budgeted line-items â 21 in total â under which expenses are billable. This results in reams of papers being printed and then shipped to the WDD for invoice approval. In one month, there were at least 2,000 invoice documents sent to the department for review. WDD recognized the volume of paper being printed, mailed, and stored was unacceptable. As a result, a think tank was formed to recommend an overhaul to the current practice. It concluded the department should leverage cloud technologies to facilitate a paperless process. It also suggested the process be piloted with one service provider initially. The implementation of the new process has resulted in 100% conversion to digital-based invoices.