Clean Air Broward Goes Virtual

2022 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Broward County, Fla., FL

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About the Program

Category: Civic Education and Public Information (Best in Category)

Year: 2022

Broward County’s state-accredited Air Quality Program aims to protect human health as well as our natural environment by maintaining, preserving, and improving air quality. This mission is especially important due to Broward’s substantial and diverse population. The Air Quality Program meets these objectives through ambient air monitoring for criteria air pollutants via county monitoring stations, issuing air licenses to facilities that are considered small sources of air pollution, and implementing outreach initiatives. To continue communicating the importance of these endeavors with the public, our Air Outreach Team created engaging virtual campaigns which were significantly more comprehensive and interactive than those created prior to the pandemic. This was done to increase awareness of air quality-related issues and was accomplished by organizing presentations and events for a wide variety of audiences, contests for both Broward County employees and students, and promoting two Car Care Months and an Air Quality Awareness Month. With transportation being the primary cause of air pollution within Broward, our outreach initiatives provide information, guidance, and actions regarding electric vehicles, proper car maintenance, bicycle commutes, and other ways to reduce air pollution through sustainable practices. Due to our efforts, we have seen an increase in community engagement.

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