Caregiving Workshops/Counseling

2010 NACo Achievement Award Winner

St. Clair County, Ill., IL

About the Program

Category: Human Services (Best in Category)

Year: 2010

The St. Claire County, IL Human Resources Office, in cooperation with the St. Clair County Office on Aging, sponsors periodic workshops for caregivers and prospective caregivers. The workshops are help of county premises during lunch hour. A box lunch is provided to participants by the St. Clair County Mental Health Board. Topics deal with physical, psychological, legal and other related caregiver subjects. Each presentation is followed by a question and answer period, during which participants may ask specific questions or make an appointment with the professional for a follow up visit and one-on-one counseling. To date, the workshops have been received very well. Every workshop scheduled has been full, with a waiting list not uncommon. The comments from attendees suggest the effectiveness of the program, as many state that they are more able to cope as caregivers, with less stress, and with the knowledge of how and where to find resources and help if they need it.

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