Assessor’s Homeowners’ Resource Fairs

2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Los Angeles County, Calif., CA

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About the Program

Category: Civic Education and Public Information

Year: 2023

The Assessor’s Office is dedicated to enriching the public’s understanding of the complex property tax system and strengthening their awareness of the property tax-saving resources available to them. Prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Assessor’s Office hosted numerous Homeowner Seminars throughout Los Angeles County. In the midst of the COVId-19 Pandemic, the Assessor’s Office pivoted and went online to offer similar seminars that included new legislation that affected homeowners, business owners, and property tax savings programs. In 2022, the Assessor’s Office went back to in-person events this time partnering with public entities, non-profits, and local community groups to expand the Homeowner Seminars to become a Resource Fair every quarter in each Supervisorial District. 

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