Arrowhead Regional Medical Center Expands Imaging Capabilities
2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner
San Bernardino County, Calif., CA
Best In Category

About the Program
Category: Health (Best in Category)
Year: 2023
Arrowhead Regional Medical Center (ARMC) has implemented a Portable Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) system in clinical care, allowing staff to bring traditional fixed neuroimaging MRI capabilities to the bedside of patients. The Portable MR Imaging System is enabled by advanced artificial intelligence (AI), which offers automated ventricular volume measurements and midline shift detection. Deep learning technology uses artificial neural networks (ANN), loosely modeled after the human brain, to recognize patterns. Thus, the portable system enables ARMC physicians to achieve real-time images as the patientâs condition changes, ultimately allowing the patientâs care team to make timely informed decisions on the patientâs course of treatment.