ARMC/CFS Shadow Event

2011 NACo Achievement Award Winner

San Bernardino County, Calif., CA

About the Program

Category: Children and Youth (Best in Category)

Year: 2011

The Arrowhead Regional Medical Center/Children and Family Services (ARMC/CFS) Shadow Event provides faster youth with an opportunity to gain experience and knowledge about career opportunities, job expectations and culture, and better prepares them for choosing a job or career, and provides an understanding of what steps are necessary to enter a particular field that will lead to financial self-sufficiency. Children and Family Services (CFSS) has provided the Independent Living Program (ILP) Aftercare services through contracted vendors since 1998. Aftercare services are offered to foster care and probation youth between the ages of 17 ½ and 21 who will exit the foster care system within six months or have been dismissed from the foster care or probation system. Aftercare participants complete self-assessments to help identify their goals and needs to reach self-sufficiency. Some of the Aftercare services provided include classroom instruction and training in daily life skills, education, job search and employment, housing and living, and mentoring.

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