Advanced Payment System for Local Municipalities

2011 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Oakland County, Mich., MI

About the Program

Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)

Year: 2011

Oakland County has provided eCommerce transaction processing services to its 62 local municipalities for many years. Access Oakland is a sustainable, self-funding eCommmerce system that includes automated transaction processing for a range of government business functions. The Advanced Payment System is a new Access Oakland product designed to accept payment for any type of bill or fee collected by local governments, expanding on the types of eCommerce payments that are already processed by Access Oakland. Oakland County’s local governments are now able to specify any type of eCommerce payment they would like to collect, and use the Advanced Payment System to automate those payments. The Advanced Payment System also provides real-time integration with existing applications such as water bill and building permit payments. In addition, the Advanced Payment System can be implemented by County Departments and courts that accept eCommerce payments from the public as well.