Acupuncture Services
2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Howard County, Md., MD
Best In Category


About the Program
Category: Health (Best in Category)
Year: 2023
During and post the COVD pandemic Dr. Sharon Rojas has provided acupuncture services to the offenders and staff at the Howard County Detention Center. The offenders are identified as persons with substance-abuse challenges which directly impacts their overall health and well-being. Services provided within the program include traditional acupuncture with the use of pins, but also incorporates meditation and self-help/self-care practices that complement the foundational work of abstinence and the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of recovery. Engagement in the program by offenders assists them with their interpersonal relationships within the facility and in the community. The program solidifies the recovery of the returning citizen with acclimation back into the community. This initiative helps the returning citizen to demonstrate productivity in the community but also provides wellness practices in the various facets of their lives. With respect to the staff, the acupuncture program has provided stress reduction in a calming room within the facility aptly names THE OASIS.