Account Auto-Provisioning

2022 NACo Achievement Award Winner

San Diego County, Calif., CA

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About the Program

Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)

Year: 2022

Account auto-provisioning was implemented to automate the account lifecycle for employees to increase efficiency, increase security posture, reduce risk, increase productivity, eliminate manual process and minimize errors. The project was to automate account management from a human resources job action as the trigger. We identified key job actions such as hire, termination, transfer, retire, rehire, and leave of absence that would trigger needed automated changes to account status such as disable account, terminate account, enable account, create account or edit an account. The purpose was to automate account changes minimizing delays and errors in manual processes. Doing this also has benefits with security, efficiency, costs, and productivity. The outcome was as expected and here are a few examples: * Automated the account creation with default groups and access so the employee could login and work on the first day of employment. * Automated account deletion after termination so that the employee cannot login and minimized risk of any access after termination. * Automated transfers between departments so account access was setup with the default groups and the employee was productive right away. * Automated disabling accounts for leave of absence and automatically enables the account when the employee returns.