Julia Kocis

Julia Kocis

Director, Regional Intelligence and Investigation Center, Lehigh County, Pa.


Julia Kocis is the Director of the Lehigh County Regional Intelligence and Investigation Center (RIIC) with over 20 years of IT experience in the criminal justice field. She holds a B.S. in computer science and information systems from Cedar Crest College, and an M.A. in criminal justice from DeSales University.

Julia has specialized training in strategic intelligence analysis and terrorism prevention from the Department of Homeland Security, and she is also a certified Fusion Center Analyst. She contributes to social issues affecting the Lehigh Valley through her involvement with The Rider-Pool Foundation Collective Impact Fellowship. Julia played a part in the award-winning Law Enforcement Justice Information Sharing (LEJIS) initiative and received the Colonel John K. Schafer Memorial Award in 2018 for her service to law enforcement.

As the director of the RIIC, she oversees the development of investigative and intelligence software systems, and leads a criminal analytic team. She is committed to improving criminal justice systems through the use of data science and AI techniques.