Jenniffer McCloskey
Director of Workforce Development, Saratoga County, N.Y.
About Jenniffer McCloskey
Jenniffer McCloskey has been the Director of the Saratoga County Workforce Development since January 2019. Saratoga County is part of the Saratoga-Warren-Washington Workforce Development Board and is the grant recipient for the federal workforce development funds (WIOA). Prior to taking the helm she was Deputy Director and Accounting Supervisor for the previous six years at the organization.
Jenniffer is a highly skilled workforce development administrator with specific expertise in the financial aspect of complex grant funding. Her workforce development expertise includes job development, businesses services, grant/proposal writing, partnership development, human resource policies, labor market knowledge, youth programming and economic development. She welcomes collaboration and collective knowledge to help move ideas forward for the health of the businesses she helps and the people she serves.
Jenniffer has a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Manhattanville College and has taken numerous accounting courses. She lives in Saratoga County with her young son.