Terri Ann Lowenthal
About Terri Ann Lowenthal
Terri Ann Lowenthal is a nationally recognized expert, consultant (all things census!), and frequent speaker on the U.S. census and policy issues affecting federal statistics. During a 14-year career as a congressional aide in both the House and Senate, she was staff director of the House census oversight subcommittee for eight years (1987-94). She later covered the Census Bureau and broader federal statistical activities for the Obama Presidential Transition Team. Terri Ann now advises a wide range of census stakeholders — including FCCP’s Funders Census Initiative (FCI 2020), The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and many state and local government officials and associations — on census policy and operational issues. Happily living in her home state of Connecticut, she serves on the state’s 2020 Census Complete Count Committee.