Mary Estelle Ryckman
Former Global Markets Advisor, Saratoga County, N.Y.
About Mary Estelle Ryckman
Mary Estelle Ryckman was the Global Markets Advisor for the Saratoga County Prosperity Partnership, an economic development organization in Saratoga County, New York. Prior to moving to upstate New York, Ms. Ryckman spent thirty years shaping global trade and investment policy. During her career as a trade negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), Ms. Ryckman held numerous positions, including Senior Policy Advisor, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Trade and Development, and Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Canada. She has extensive negotiating experience in the GATT/WTO, APEC, the OECD, and free trade agreements, trade dispute resolution, and bilateral investment treaties.