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Mark Sanborn

Chief of Staff, Rural Development, USDA

About Mark Sanborn

Mark Sanborn has a background in policy development, government relations and project management. Before becoming USDA Rural Development Chief of Staff, his past experience includes time as the Director of Governmental, International and Public Affairs at the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) at the U.S. Department of Transportation, Director of Government Relations for Concord Coach Lines (a private sector bus company), Federal Liaison at the NH Department of Transportation, and Counselor to the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy at U.S. DOT. Before Mark’s first stint at U.S. DOT, he worked in Rural Development as a Confidential Assistant in the Rural Business-Cooperatives Services and in several congressional offices including Senator Bob Smith's Washington, DC office and Congressman Charlie Bass's district office. Most recently, he has been Senior Advisor on the RD team working with the state directors.