Kevin Loux

Director of Strategic Partnerships, Shaping Our Appalachian Region(SOAR)

About Kevin Loux

Kevin Loux is a young professional with a background in technology, economics, and law. In June of 2015, as the Director of Strategic Partnerships, he became the third staff member of Shaping our Appalachian Region; a non-profit economic development organization established by Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear and Congressman Harold "Hal" Rogers. In his work experience, innovative use of technology often played a key role in problem‐solving enabling increased efficiency and productivity. As a young economic developer, he has helped his organization find a niche focusing on technology and broadband-centric strategies leveraging KentuckyWired. In addition to his experience, he completed a four‐year bachelor's degree in two calendar years; receiving a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a focus in Business Economics from the University of Central Florida. He also received his Juris Doctor from the University of Kentucky while attending as a recipient of the Provost Fellowship. Leveraging his Law and Economics background enables him to bring unique value and a pragmatic solution-oriented perspective. Aside from his formal education, technology has been an interest of his since a young age. This passion provides him with over two decades of experience and expertise using various operating systems as well as a wealth of experience and certifications for many applications and coding languages.