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Emily Green, CHWI

Public Health Education Specialist

About Emily Green, CHWI

Emily Green is a Public Health Education Specialist at the Waco-McLennan County Public Health District in Waco, Texas. Emily obtained her Bachelors of Science in Health, specializing in the Health of Communities at Texas A&M University. She was born and raised in Waco and is passionate about serving her community through empowering others with knowledge on how to best care for themselves and their families. At the Health District, Emily works for the Health Education Department which has programs focused on chronic disease prevention & obesity reduction, maternal and child health, and access to health care through use of Community Health Workers (CHWs). Emily is a certified Community Health Worker Instructor and was responsible for training the first cohort of CHWs that are impacting the areas of Waco in greatest need. In her role, she oversees health education events and presentations requested in the greater Waco area on topics that include but are not limited to healthy eating, physical activity, and chronic disease management. She is experienced in training and educating populations with differing education and socioeconomic backgrounds.