Cindy Cesare
Human Services Division Manager, Anoka County, Minn.
About Cindy Cesare
Cindy Cesare has worked in the field of social work for the past 31 years in both the nonprofit and county agencies. She has a BSW from the College of St. Teresa, Winona, MN, and a Master’s Degree in Social Work from the University of MN, and is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker. Cindy is employed at Anoka County, MN, as the Human Services Division Manager, and oversees a number of areas including Public Health Nursing, Social Services and Behavioral Health, and the Corrections Department. She has experience managing correctional health services in the jail and correctional facilities. Prior to her work in Anoka County, she has had experience as a clinical hospital social worker and provided mental health services to high risk populations. Cindy has been a strong advocate for quality health care in the jail and correctional facilities for both adults and youth.