April Jenkins
About April Jenkins
April Jenkins is a Children, Youth and Family Services Manager with the El Paso County, Colorado Department of Human Services. April received her bachelors degree in criminal justice and began her career as a probation and parole officer, later receiving a masters degree in human services and has spent years serving families and children through Family Preservation Services in Alabama and Child Protection Services in Colorado. April is a proud military spouse and mother of 2 that has travelled the world. This experience has allowed her and her family to immerse themselves in various cultures. April also believes that being a military spouse has made her more empathic and understanding to the experiences of others.
Since joining the El Paso County Department of Human Services in 2013, April has found a passion for improving practice in child welfare services and has made systemic changes which have improved outcomes, including creating units that focus on children ages 0-3, medical neglect and implementing a nurse practitioner program to allow physical exams in the family’s home alongside the Department of Human Services caseworker. April has authored multiple agency protocols that assist in daily child welfare practice. and was one of the visionaries and implementor for the new Well Baby Court program in El Paso County. April is part of the monthly Child Fatality Review Team for the State and local group, the Child Protection Task Group and the Children’s Justice Act Task Group in Colorado.
April currently manages employees in completing assessments that address an array of child protection issues and involve multiple agencies and systems. and while managing one of the largest Child Protection Intake Divisions in Colorado, has created new processes and added new programs and staff to improve service to El Paso County's families. In addition to experience and personal qualities, April has a solid educational foundation and a passion for improving the lives of families in Colorado. April’s personal and professional life includes a commitment to serving children and families. April is enthusiastic about improving child welfare practice and is committed to participating in and creating programs that will promote improvement.