CNCounty News

Proposed amendment to NACo bylaws at 2022 Annual Conference

Key Takeaways

Section 1. Officers.
A. The officers of the association shall be a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Immediate Past President.
  1. The immediate past president is the most recent past president who is still an elected county official of an active member county.
  2. No more than one officer can shall be from a NACo Region.
B. Qualification. The officers of the association shall be elected officials of active member counties.
C. Term. Each officer shall serve a term of office of one year subject to the provisions of Section 3 of this Article.
D. Election.
  1. The NACo Region from which the Immediate Past President is from shall nominate candidates for the office of Second Vice President within twelve months of the next annual business meeting.
  2. Officers shall be elected by the member counties at the annual business meeting each year.
E. General Duties.
  1. They shall be responsible for the property, funds and business affairs of the association in the absence of the board of directors.
  2. They shall have and exercise all powers and authority granted by the board of directors.
  3. The officers shall make a report to the board of directors at each meeting of the board with respect to the general state of the association, significant changes in the financial condition of the association, and actions taken in the interim period between board meetings.
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