CNCounty News

Executive order would align federal efforts with local government priorities

Community Solutions Council aims to strengthen federal-local coordination

President Obama has signed an executive order establishing the Community Solutions Council in an effort to modernize the way the federal government works with cities, counties and communities across the nation. The council aims to provide a lasting foundation for federal agencies to strengthen partnerships with communities and enhance coordination across the federal government to more effectively deliver assistance.

Local leaders, including county officials, have told Congress of the need for a federal partner that is more effective, responsive and inclusive in addressing the needs and challenges of local communities. While the policies and programs established by the federal government are intended to guide local officials and coordinate efforts, local leaders are often left on their own to find federal resources and implement costly programs.

In response to local leaders’ call for change, through this order the administration has taken steps toward a different approach by working with local communities to transition from a “one-size-fits-all” approach to a “bottom-up” approach.

The Community Solutions Council includes leadership from agencies, departments and offices across the federal government and the White House that will work to develop and implement policy that puts local priorities first, highlights successful solutions based on best practices and streamlines federal support for communities.

Further, the council will engage with representatives and leaders of local organizations, businesses and communities to expand and improve partnerships that address the most pressing challenges communities face.

Counties are responsible for supporting and maintaining public infrastructure, transportation and economic development assets, providing justice, law enforcement and public safety services, and protecting the public’s health and well being. Because counties are an essential component of the federal-state-local intergovernmental partnership, they support strong communication and collaboration with the federal government to advance local plans and visions that will benefit their residents.


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