Changing Lives: L.A. County Making a Difference

2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Los Angeles County, Calif., CA

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About the Program

Category: Civic Education and Public Information (Best in Category)

Year: 2023

“Changing Lives: L.A. County Making a Difference” is a branded series of video features that showcases diverse clients whose lives have been uplifted and transformed by County programs, putting the focus on the people we serve rather than the County itself. Profile subjects include a transition-age youth exiting the foster care system with housing support; a former justice-involved individual starting life over with job skills training; a 103-year-old enjoying home-delivered meals; and a musician rebuilding her business with help from the County’s guaranteed income program. The videos intentionally reach across department silos to identify subjects with compelling personal stories, capturing the life-altering impacts of County programs on their lives; in doing so, the series makes the workings of local government more relatable, accessible, transparent to the public and introduces a range of nonprofit partners that play pivotal roles in executing the County’s programmatic vision. The series aims to shift perception of the County as a byzantine bureaucracy by spotlighting the downstream effects of programs and policies as they are implemented, evolved and impact real lives — giving clients a platform to share their stories of resilience, survival and success while educating the public on the value of public social services.

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