CNCounty News

Profiles in Service - May 28, 2018

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Image of Middleton_S.jpg
Sharon Green Middleton  

Board Member
Vice President Baltimore City Council Baltimore City and County, Md.

Number of years involved in NACo: 11

Years in public service: 11

Occupation: Baltimore City Council member, District 6

Education: B.S. in secondary education; Master’s equivalency in secondary education

The hardest thing I’ve ever done was: Leave home for the first time after graduating from my local HBCU. Independent living skills and stepping into my first public service career, as a high school teacher, happened all at once and I never looked back!

Three people (living or dead) I’d invite to dinner are: Martin Luther King, Jr., Michelle Obama and Michelle Phan.

The most adventurous thing I’ve ever done is: Travel to the countries of Israel and Jordan.

My favorite way to relax is to: Take in the sights and sun in the Caribbean islands or exercise by taking brisk walks through parks.

I’m most proud of: Being a mother to my wonderful son, Glen, Jr. As I look back at everything I’ve done, my son is my life’s greatest treasure.

Every morning I read: Motivational affirmations.

My favorite meal is: Baltimore City, Md. jumbo lump crab cakes and fries.

My pet peeve is: Clearing out the clutter.

You’d be surprised to learn that I: Am truly a creative hands-on person. At one time I made all my clothes and home décor window treatments.

My motto is: “Putting people and communities first.”

The last book I read was: Strength to Love by Martin Luther King, Jr.

My favorite movies are: Airplane and Waiting to Exhale.

My favorite music is: Jazz, soul, oldies, reggae — I love music.

My favorite U.S. president is: Barack Obama.

My county is a NACo member because: Baltimore City is given a voice on a national level. Through educational training and support programs, we are given the opportunity to adopt best practices from colleagues across our nation. Working in partnership with our regional counterparts helps us to move forward in revitalization efforts to create sustainable economics that guide us into developing stronger, healthier local communities.

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